We’re thrilled to see our amazing Sponsored Rider Natasha Baker featuring in the current issue of Cotswold Life, along with some of our photographs!

This piece is a great read about Natasha’s story from contracting Transverse Myelitis as a young child, to winning her first Paralympic Gold medals in London 2012, to Rio and to the amazing work she does each year in mentoring our Young Sponsored Riders. Whilst being based in London, Natasha also spends a lot of time in the Cotswolds with her friend and supporter Christian Landolt, working with us on our sponsorship programme and also in her role as patron as Cotswold RDA.

Sit down with a coffee folks and have a look through – and be prepared to be inspired!

If any of you would like to find out more about our sponsorship programme for young riders (12-26 years), you can read all about it here.


Natasha Baker Cotswold Life Jo Hansford

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